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Full skin exams are thorough evaluations of your skin performed by a dermatologist to identify any abnormalities or signs of skin conditions. At Seaside Dermatology, these exams involve a detailed inspection of your entire skin surface, from head to toe. The goal is to detect potential issues such as skin cancer or other dermatological concerns at an early stage. If any suspicious spots are found, a biopsy may be conducted to analyze the skin sample in a lab. Early detection through these exams is crucial for effective treatment.


  • Early detection of skin cancers and abnormalities
  • Increased likelihood of successful treatment outcomes
  • Identification of benign conditions that may require monitoring
  • Comprehensive assessment of overall skin health
  • Opportunity for personalized skin care advice
  • Prevention of potential skin issues through early intervention
  • Detailed examination beyond visible concerns

Your Experience


During your full skin exam at Seaside Dermatology, you will undergo a thorough inspection of your entire skin surface. Your dermatologist will carefully examine every area of your skin, looking for any abnormalities or signs of potential issues.

Biopsy (if necessary)

If your dermatologist identifies a suspicious spot during the exam, a biopsy may be performed. This involves removing a small sample of skin from the area in question. The sample is then sent to a lab for analysis to determine whether the spot is benign or malignant.


Based on the results of the biopsy, your dermatologist will discuss a personalized treatment plan with you. If any issues are detected, the plan may include additional procedures, therapies, or follow-up care to address the condition effectively and restore optimal skin health.

Schedule an Appointment

Seaside Dermatology is dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain optimal skin health through comprehensive full skin exams. Our expert team meticulously examines your skin to detect any potential issues early, ensuring timely and effective treatment. By identifying abnormalities at an early stage, we work with you to develop a personalized care plan that addresses your unique needs. Schedule an appointment with us today and take the first step toward healthier, more radiant skin.

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