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Fungal infections, also known as mycoses, occur when fungi invade the skin, nails, or hair, leading to various dermatological conditions. These infections can be superficial, affecting only the skin’s outer layers, or more invasive, impacting deeper tissues. Common types of fungal infections include athlete’s foot, ringworm, and yeast infections. They thrive in warm, moist environments and can be highly contagious, spreading through direct contact or contaminated surfaces.

Common Symptoms:

  • Itching and irritation in affected areas
  • Redness and inflammation of the skin
  • Scaling or flaking of the skin
  • Cracked or peeling skin, especially between toes or fingers
  • Thickened, discolored, or brittle nails
  • Blisters or sores that may ooze or crust
  • Circular, ring-shaped rashes with a clear center
  • Persistent discomfort or burning sensation in affected areas

Common Types

Athlete’s Foot (Tinea Pedis)

Athlete’s foot is a common fungal infection that affects the skin of the feet, particularly between the toes. It thrives in warm, damp environments like shoes and locker rooms, making it especially prevalent among athletes. Common symptoms include itching, burning, and peeling skin, often leading to discomfort and cracking.

Ringworm (Tinea Corporis)

Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal infection that can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, scalp, and nails. It presents as a red, circular rash with a clear center, often resembling a ring. The infection spreads through direct contact with infected individuals, animals, or contaminated surfaces.

Yeast Infections (Candidiasis)

Yeast infections, primarily caused by the Candida species of fungi, can affect various areas of the body, including the mouth, throat, and genitals. Candidiasis in the mouth is known as oral thrush, while genital infections are commonly referred to as vaginal yeast infections. Symptoms vary but often include itching, redness, and discomfort.

Your Personalized Treatment Plan

At Seaside Dermatology, your personalized treatment plan begins with a thorough consultation and examination to understand your unique skin concerns. We take the time to assess the severity of your fungal infection, identify any underlying factors, and discuss your symptoms in detail. Based on this comprehensive evaluation, we tailor a treatment plan specifically for you, incorporating the most effective medications and therapies to address your condition.

Schedule an Appointment

Seaside Dermatology is dedicated to helping you achieve and maintain healthy, vibrant skin through personalized care and advanced treatments. Our expert team, led by Dr. Chelsea Duggan, combines years of experience with the latest dermatological techniques to address all your skin concerns, from routine care to complex conditions. Take the first step toward healthier skin—schedule an appointment with Seaside Dermatology today.

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