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Skin cancer detection and treatment involve identifying and addressing abnormal skin cells before they develop into cancer. At Seaside Dermatology, we start with detailed full-body skin examinations to spot suspicious lesions early. If further investigation is needed, we use advanced techniques like the DermTech Smart Sticker, which non-invasively collects genomic material from the skin’s surface for analysis. This enhances diagnostic accuracy by assessing almost the entire surface of a lesion. If necessary, traditional biopsies can then be performed for definitive diagnosis and treatment.

A doctor using a device to detect skin cancer in Englewood, FL

Concerning Symptoms:

  • New or changing moles or skin lesions
  • Asymmetrical or irregularly shaped growths
  • Changes in color or multiple colors in a mole
  • A mole with uneven or poorly defined borders
  • Rapid growth of a skin lesion
  • Itching, bleeding, or oozing from a mole
  • Skin lesions that don’t heal or reoccur

Book an appointment for early detection and the most effective skin cancer treatment in Englewood, FL.

Your Experience

Step 1: Full-Body Examination

During your full-body skin examination, your dermatologist will conduct a thorough inspection of your skin from head to toe. They will check for any suspicious moles, spots, or lesions, noting their size, shape, color, and texture. This comprehensive evaluation helps identify any abnormalities that could be indicative of skin cancer or other skin conditions.

Step 2: Further Investigation

If your dermatologist identifies any lesions that require closer examination, additional tests may be recommended. These can include non-invasive options or procedures that allow for an in-depth analysis of the suspicious area without immediate tissue removal. The choice of method will depend on the specific characteristics of the lesion.

Step 3: Biopsy

If further investigation indicates potential issues, a biopsy might be necessary. This involves removing a small sample of tissue from the lesion for microscopic examination. The biopsy helps confirm whether the lesion is cancerous and provides crucial information for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning. Based on the biopsy results, your dermatologist will develop a personalized treatment plan to address your condition or skin cancer in Englewood, FL.

Schedule an Appointment

Seaside Dermatology is dedicated to providing skin cancer detection and treatment services tailored to your needs. Our expert team, led by board-certified dermatologist Dr. Chelsea Duggan, uses advanced diagnostic tools to help you achieve optimal skin health. If you notice any concerning signs or symptoms, such as changes in the shape or size of your mole, schedule an appointment with us for a thorough evaluation. When it comes to skin cancer, you must leave nothing to chance—early detection and treatment can save lives.

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